Author: Anastasia

I'm Anastasia. I am a law student and a blogger. Next to case records and statements, there are lipsticks, bracelets, perfume, nail polish and cream samples on my desk. I collect them as an addict. As every woman I'm big on cosmetics and fashion and that's what my blog focuses on. Pop in, read and comment!


10 Never-Failing Ways to Grow Long Hair Fast

You often ask me how I managed to grow long hair so fast. I get it, nobody wants to wait long years to get long tresses. It’s a really tricky task so I’m happy to share the best ways to grow long hair quickly. I round up 10 best methods …

These 5 things damage your skin!

Hi darlings, today I will talk a bit about bad skincare. It needs to be discussed because due to negligence and certain mistakes that we had no idea about, we often damage the skin. 1. Stress Stress, upset, life in a hurry, lack of sleep, constant or frequent tension – contrary …

See 2020 Favorites: Top Picks from Beauty Bloggers and Users

I am aware that it’s still a few months left till the end of the year but I can’t help summing up my 2020 favorites and new arrivals which you might have missed. You should definitely catch up because these products are top-ranked and raved about on every other beauty …

Can We All Boast Super-Lovely Lips?

Uneven, thin lips are very common. The skin on lips is extremely thin and delicate, which means it’s easily dehydrated. Plus, this area lacks sweat and sebum glands so there is no protective shield. The skin around the lips is very gentle and fine lines appear fast in this face …

Vegan Beauty Products. How to Identify Cruelty-Free Cosmetics?

Let’s talk through vegan beauty products today. They are growing in popularity and lots of cosmetic companies put them in the offer, including skin, hair, but also nail and eyelash brands. But are they all really vegan-friendly? Let me clear up all doubts. 🙂 Craze for vegan-friendly beauty products Personally, …

How to reduce the oil on your face skin?

Hey there, my dear readers! Today I’d like to discuss one of the skin concerns that I’ve been struggling with lately – permanently oily skin. Naturally, the sebum is crucial and essential to keep the skin healthy and protected, yet its excessive secretion is troublesome and causes many problems. How to …

Herbs to improve face skin

Hey girls! My today’s post should appeal to the women having oily, acne and combination skin. I’m well-aware of how challenging it is to take good care of such skin types – I used to struggle with acne and oily face really long myself. From my experience, I can tell …

What to do to look gorgeous?

Radiant face isn’t as difficult to achieve as you might think. There’s something extraordinary in every woman even if she doesn’t look like a model at all. See some evergreen ideas for getting lovely looks. How to keep feeling beautiful all the time? Sleep This is the most important thing …
Blog Tips

My Favorite Lash Lift and Lamination Kits for Home Use – Ranking

Nowadays, it’s really easy to care for your appearance. The beauty industry is now advanced and provides us various great solutions. The same goes for styling eyelashes. Lash lift and lamination are particularly popular. They used to be done exclusively in beauty salons and were called “lash perm.” However, recently …

Homemade hair masks. Which ingredients to choose?

Hi Ladies! I’d like to tell you this and that about my favorite way to get stunning hair. Let me begin with saying that sometimes we don’t realize how many solutions are close at our hands. Just check your cupboards. I’m sure you’ll find plenty of substances and ingredients that …